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July 05, 2005

swallow kids_2005.07.05@tochigi

swallow kids.JPG
the swallow kids which have not become independent yet...

Posted by nob at July 5, 2005 09:04 PM


hey there :)

i did check out the kyocera site - it's a nice compact camera indeed.

i love the pictures of the birds. not to mention i love looking at birds too. they are therapeutic to watch and makes me smile too.

you mentioned you were a photographer of another kind. what kind of photographer are you? just curious :)

Posted by: kc at July 7, 2005 08:47 PM

Hi kc,

Sorry to have taken such a long time for making a reply to you.

Let me answer to your question soon.

Posted by: nob at July 14, 2005 10:17 PM

Hi kc,

I used to be an ordinary professional photographer at the beginning already while in the art college of photography.

At first I had taken documentary photos with joining the international news media and after that had converted to the field of commercial and editorial.

After working freelance for over10 years at last I had quitted entirely with selling off almost of professional equipments from 135mm SLRs to 4X5 inches view cameras except for some compact cameras just for my hobby.

Because I was disappointed in the photography as a professional which may be a long story which is omitted here and wanted to continue not only photography but also movie etc. the whole viduals just as my art creative lifework.

As I have mentioned you before, the photography has been just one part of my business activity as an art director concerning to various fields. And besides the art direction I have been doing many kinds of other professions mainly under the framework of concept design and business consultation.

However recently I have been in preparation to start the commercial photography professionally with buying the necessary tools again. Because I know the photography must have been the basis and have been keeping to warm my certain plan up for a long time.

The first point of my distinctive features in professional creative activity is that I haven't been swayed in only photography. I have been using many kinds of creative medias at the same time.

The second point is that I have not accepted the proposal from the third parties basically. I have sold creative plans and works themselves.

The third point is that even in photography I have taken every kinds of objects from fashion portrait, nature, merchandises, foods etc.

The above-mentioned details are the outline of my activity in photography. Have you been able to come to the point?

Posted by: nob at July 16, 2005 05:41 PM

hello nob, sorry for my very long disappearance. i am on a very long assignment that's taking forever. cos the whole project is done as a time lapse sequence :)

i feel the digital medium might spell the end of film sometime soon cos digital is amazing in many ways.

i'm actually a director/producer for film and tv. and photography's one of my interests. i actually chanced upon your site while i was trawling the web for locations in japan for a music video shoot.

when you mentioned "photographer of another kind" i just thought there might be a chance you are a director of photography :) which is why i asked. reason being i'm very interested in filming in japan for very obvious reasons that the country is so beautiful and intruiging. either that or we could perhaps work together if you happened to be a director of photography/cinematographer. and it helps that you are well versed in the language too :)

when i'm finally done with the project early october, i might let ya have a look and get your comments :)

Posted by: kc at August 14, 2005 02:43 PM

Hi KC,

I have just been able to understand why you wanted to know the very specific data where I had taken the photo of the railroad that had seemed strange to me. I have not imagined you have been doing the similar kind of business to me.

I hope you would be able to shoot a nice video clip in Japan and maybe I would be able to help you when you come.

From now on in case of necessity, give a kind of confidential mail to my direct address "nob@digipromo.jp" which would not be open to the public on my photoblog site.

Posted by: nob at August 15, 2005 11:14 PM

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